multidimensional healing
We might not be familiar with the term Multidimensional Healing but, it has been used in temples, pyramids and ashrams by priests and adepts, by indigenous shaman and healers all
Multidimensional healing gives us the ability to break the shackles of ignorance, dis-ease, depression, addiction and negativity, to really change our lives, to make them far more rewarding and enjoyable. We have the ability to create anything we want to, we can create
…where the whole of human consciousness will work towards a unified world away from greed and personal wealth, away from the narcissistic me myself and I, where we can all know our divinity and be part of this Golden age that all of creation has been working towards for thousands of years.
We are spiritual beings having a human existence, with spiritual or spirit being a term for energy. We have a dense physical body, our vehicle in this incarnation, but we also have an energy body or field, very loosely similar to the driver of the car (this is actually more akin to our soul) our energy field is outside our physical body like a group of Russian dolls, layer upon layer of ever finer subtle energy emanating outwards for around three meters. The energy bodies interphase with the physical body at the Chakras and is distributed around the internal body by Meridians. Spiritual teachings have long stated there are twelve dimensions in our world and in us. Modern science states there are at least ten and possibly eleven dimensions. Physics states that everything in the universe is made up of energy. Even though it can’t be seen, we are all part of an ever-changing interconnected energy field, where the past the present and the future exist at the same time, where all realities exist in a field of potentiality like beautiful fractal patterns or harmonic
Most of us are blindly repeating old programs and limiting belief systems that have been fed to us for eons of time, believing that it is all destiny, our lives are written in stone and the human condition is unchangeable. This is far from the truth but not to be relegated to conspiracy theory. Multidimensional reality and healing has been taught in the mystery schools for thousands of years and has been alluded to in hero quests, fairy tales, mythology and
Man’s evolution has advanced exponentially over the last two hundred years notwithstanding our comprehension of the human condition and the nature of dis-ease.
In 2015 a trilogy of eclipses started, with the last eclipse occurring in 2016, known as wave X. These were three very powerful energy, information and code downloads given to us by
A major consequence of our energy bodies vibrating at a much higher rate is that most of us are now able to handle more healing energy and the treatments coming closer together, resulting in a quicker resolution to problems and profound change to our lives. Multidimensional healing is not restricted to 3D linear time. Under the old paradigm a healing treatment took about an hour. We now work in morning, afternoon or evening slots, not just healing one trauma or blockage at a time but sometimes many, across eons of time.
16 Woodgate Drive,
London SW16 5YP
5 minute walk from Streatham Common
Direct links to Streatham Common:
London Victoria 20 mins,
London Bridge 25 mins, Balham 5 mins.