the new shamballa
the realisation of heaven on earth, “living as a master”
When we are well along our spiritual/healing journey or even during our mundane life we soon become aware just how complex it all is. There is no one simple system to follow, the more we think we know the more foolish we make our selves look. None of us
We learn about our basic programming according to which of the seven rays we are working or combinations
Then our numerology comes to our attention and we have to look at all the numbers and balance them. Then the 12 Archetypes of God, then all the cards of the Tarot Deck and balance all these energies. Then we have to develop balance on a spiritual, psychological and earthly level just to keep our four-body system balanced.
New Shamballa gives us access to all 13 dimensions of this world and attunements to the spirits of these realms so that we can work from each dimension. We get help from the 144 zen masters, there are a lot more than 144, this refers to the 12-body system and all their combinations of energy, similar to the 12 musical notes with their, over and undertones 12 times 12 is 144. We get help for our highest good and purpose when we need it most, when we need to work with illusion, our ego and our shadow. Again at our pace and for our highest good and purpose, it is not important to finish first just finish when we are ready. All to help us create bliss, heaven on earth, inner peace, nirvana or SHAMBALLA.
It is the diamond light of unconditional love. With this comes absolute personal power, harmony and freedom. It is a way of being and living. As taught by the old Tibetan Buddhist tradition, it is the way of living our lives as a Spiritual Warrior. This means living consciously and with gentle loving discipline for ourselves.
It is a place in time and space that you could call a city of perfection, a place where all is LOVE, harmony and balance. It exists on all levels and is said to exist in the mountains of Tibet, un-accessible to those that vibrate below 5D.
It is where we can find all the rays of Creation, all the primordial energies which have been imbued in those beings we call the Ascended Masters. It is the will and wisdom that enables God’s plan to unfold on earth, where we can experience ourselves as greater beings of LOVE.
This workshop integrates you into all 13 dimensional vibrations of Shamballa’s pure diamond light and love, bringing in the energies of Shamballa and attuning you to each of the 13 dimensions.
It is a process that enables the participants to feel and experience the Shamballa Love that they hold on each of the 13 dimensions. It is also the state of being that we feel when we have finally stopped trying to control everything out of fear because we understand how the divine plan works and only need to get on with our life and let it unfold, secure in the fact that we can communicate and channel higher beings when necessary.
This is a certificated workshop channelled by Christine & Kevin Core facilitated by Ruby Larimar whom is a Licensed New Shamballa Practitioner.
course syllabus
On the five day
The 1st dimension of gravity/electromagnetism, is the pull to the still small point.
The 2nd dimension of the devas and elemental kingdom.
The 3rd dimension as the materialisation of Divine design and geometries.
The 4th dimension of the emotional body and gateway to spiritual wisdom.
The 5th dimension of mind and this creative potential through love,
The 6th dimension held by Syrian consciousness of the divine archetypes.
The 7th dimension of the sound of the spheres generated by our galactic cycles.
The 8th dimension of the language of light.
The 9th dimension of eternal Samadhi.
The 10th dimension with the
The 11th dimension with the information highways of light.
The 12th dimension and the becoming of oneness.
The 13th dimension of completion and new beginnings.
This course will be taught in two parts, over a total of 6 days.
part 1
DATES 2025:
LOCATION: Zoom / In Person
TIMES: 10.30am – 6pm Each Day
DURATION: 3 days
PRICE: £648 for Part 1& 2
part 2
DATES 2025:
LOCATION: Zoom / In Person
Times:10.30am -6pm Each Day
DURATION: 3 days
16 Woodgate Drive,
London SW16 5YP
5 minute walk from Streatham Common
Direct links to Streatham Common:
London Victoria 20 mins,
London Bridge 25 mins, Balham 5 mins.